Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

Today I decided to start a blog. Clearly, you can see that. I've never been much for blogging; sharing random rambles to nobody in particular. But it seems to be an excellent outlet for resources. And boy, do I need 'em.

My awesome boyfriend is a Youth Minister. We all know what a blessing of a task that can be. Dan does such a great job with his ministry, I just wish I had more means to help. Its had when you're not a "youth minister's wife." A lot of parents become skeptical about leaving their students in the hands of someone that might not be around for awhile. Granted, Dan and I are planning on engagement to be married very very shortly; for some, its still not the same.

I understand completely!! Believe me, I'm not asking for more trust or power or responsibility than is due given. I'm just very excited about becoming apart of team that leads people, teens, young adults to Christ.

My quest for resources comes within-- How do I be a "youth minister's wife" without actually being a youth minister's wife?

I've found books on being a pastoral wife, which I will be in the very near future, but I would love first hand accounts on ministry's that women (and men) of all ages have been apart of.

-In His Love-